Currently I am sitting in Chicago and I just had my 3 month check up with my surgeon.
Overall he is very pleased with how I’m progressing. He says my range of motion and strength are right where we need to be. I am to continue physical therapy (once a week), and he asked me what my main goal was. I said that running was my ultimate goal. (Obviously) He said he didn’t want me to try to start running until 5-6 months.
I completely understand this, and I agree. I don’t want to try anything crazy too soon, and he wants me to make sure the muscles around my hip are strong enough to support my body while running. He said he didn’t want me doing yoga yet, and he said pilates would be better to build my core. He wants me to start building my strength up with squats and “closed chain” exercises, whatever that means.
I’m also cleared to go back to work, which I’m still super nervous about. I’m excited to go back somewhat, especially to have some income since I have become quite poor.
This Sunday is my first day back at work, I will be sure to post an update. Also, some snowy/icy weather is coming in so it’s a great time to start work. HA.